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within Suing for businesses

How do i sue a UK Company for not refunding my deposite according to our contract. i am not a british citizen and do not live in UK

posted in Suing for businesses | 1 response
Peter Johnson

Peter Johnson's response

Firstly a letter of demand should be sent to the company concerned requiring payment and threatening court action if payment is not made. Then yo... read more

One of the hairdressers in my salon has left taking her clients with her and my business is now suffering. What can I do?

posted in Suing for businesses | 1 response

Good Lawyer Guide's response

This depends on the nature of the agreement you entered into with her when she started work at your salon. If there was a written contract with ... read more

I have judgment in my favour of £25,000 but how can I enforce it?

posted in Suing for businesses | 1 response

Good Lawyer Guide's response

This depends on the nature and financial situation of the debtor against who judgment was entered. If the debtor is a company you could commence ... read more

What are my changes of success in defending court proceedings against my business?

posted in Suing for businesses | 1 response

Good Lawyer Guide's response

While no case is guaranteed to be successful, the chances depend mainly on the strengths of your case versus the strengths of the opposing side. ... read more

My business is taking court proceedings but how long will it take to get to court?

posted in Suing for businesses | 1 response

Good Lawyer Guide's response

This depends on a lot of factors such as the size of the case and the complexity of the issues involved. It can take a matter of a few months, o... read more

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