Wills question:

My grandfathers Will includes just 4 out of the 6 grandchildren as Beneficiaries. Me being one of the 4, what rights to I have when my Uncle who's daughter has not been included is contesting the Will?

posted in Wills | 1 response

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Sarju Kotecha

Sarju Kotecha's response

Contentious probate is a specialist area of law and you will need to take advice from a solicitor who undertakes such work.

In general terms the executors of an estate will normally wish to remain neutral when a Will is challenged and it will be for the beneficiaries to accept or deny the challenge.

However, if the matter were to proceed to Court there could be financial consequences for those involved in the dispute.

Therefore, you will need specialist advice about how to respond to any challenge and much will depend upon the grounds of challenge alleged and the size and nature of of the esate.

Hope that helps.

Sarju Kotecha