Family and relationships question:

my ex has filed divorce papers in courts, what do I do next,

posted in Family and relationships | 1 response

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Huma Mohyuddin

Huma Mohyuddin's response

You will shortly be receiving the Divorce Petition from the court. This is a document that sets out the reasons for the divorce. If you have children then your ex will have also filed a statement of arrangement for children which is a form that gives details regarding the children, where they live what school they attend etc and also whether there are any contact arrangements. You will have 7 days from receiving the papers to respond on the acknowledgement of service form, which you will also be given. It would be advisable to seek legal advice once you receive the papers.

Please feel free to get in touch with our office if you require further legal assistance in the matter on 0207 725 7115 or visit the following web-links for further information:
(Saracens Solicitors are international solicitors in London. Servicing clients worldwide, building relationships and trust through understanding).
I wish you the best of luck.