Family and relationships question:

the solicitor dealing with father's estate has charged too high and is waiting for me to agree the estate accounts. If I do that, so people can be paid out, can I query his fees later?

posted in Family and relationships | 2 responses

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Nadia Beckett

Nadia Beckett's response

Yes you can ask him to obtain a remuneration certificate from the Law Society. However, you should raise any concerns that you have about the bill first and certainly as soon as possible. Why do you say that he has charged too much? Did you agree his fees in advance and were you given clear information about the costs when you first instructed him?

Peter Johnson

Peter Johnson's response

Since the abolition of the Remuneration Certificate route in 2009,and provided you have not missed the time limits to pursue matters further, you should consider a complaint to the new Legal Ombudsman. He has the power to order a refund or reduction in the legal costs paid. For more information take a look at