Family and relationships question:

i have been seperated for10 years from my ex wife and divorced for7 years. My new partner,of 8 years, and i are planning on getting married soon due us discovering that i am terminally ill - less than a year to go. My ex told me to stop paying maintenence 6 weeks ago into her bank (but now has changed her mind and i am to carry on with apyments) as i have always done in the past because of my illness and lack of money untill benifits are sorted out as untill 3 months ago i have always been in full time employment. My partner and i are worried that once married and then after my death,is that my ex wife can take maintenence payments from from my new wife. My ex wife is re-married with a second child and i and my partner only live together at weekends due to her work commitments. We are just worried that legally there is a way my ex can take payments from me new wire, after i passed away, many thanks, kenneth hywel jenkins

posted in Family and relationships | 1 response

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Sukhinder Kaur

Sukhinder Kaur's response

Dear Kenneth
I am so sorry to read all this but allow me to put your mind at rest on one issue. Your ex-wife cannot demand payments for maintenance or anything else from your partner (or, once married, your new wife.)She has remarried you tell me, so any liability to maintain her has come to an end I assume. But I do need to caution you that it may be possible for your ex-wife to make a claim against your estate on behalf of your child in certain circumstances(I am assuming that there is a child by your first marriage as you talk about her second child). It would be as well to go and see a specialist family lawyer who deals with these matters to discuss in more detail and take with you all your papers from the divorce.