Family and relationships question:

ex is living in house and I am paying rent ... when court order was made I was on income support and my state pension has been in force since may and started paying rent on property I am in .. I left marital home due to history domestic violence ... solicitor acting on my behalf has left ... also solicitor put in writing that I should liaise with ex's solicitor in regards of sale of house .... there is no incentive for him to sell house as it is owned outright and he has no bills to pay but utility bills ... what are my options... also solicitor never disclosed all correspondence to the court and ex has got away with not disclosing his cetv in pensions in payment to the court because solicitor left it off form sent to judge to make sure it was a fair deal

posted in Family and relationships | 1 response

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Peter Johnson

Peter Johnson's response

You don't say whether it was part of the court order for the house to be sold. If it was part of the order, then you will be able to get the court to force the sale through. You will need to make an application to the same court that granted the divorce. But before doing so you need to take advice from a new family lawyer (there are plenty around!) as to whether the failure by your ex to disclose his pension would have made any difference to the settlement.