Planning law question:

I have been refused permission to have a 2 metre fence and refused on appeal as there is a cul-de-sac of houses behind. the original fence was 2 metres. There are other 2 metres on road. We have to have 1 metre and i feel we have no privacy or security . The local council will not take on board comments from police about being open to burgularies or listen to local MP. what can I do

posted in Planning law | 1 response

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Jon Payne

Jon Payne's response

The Council do have to take on board issues of safety and security, but these have to be balanced with other considerations.

Your options are to apply again or to seek a Judicial Review if you have already been through the appeal process and feel that there was an error in law. If you apply again, then you need to re-think the way that the application is portrayed and if you have not engaged one already, it can be useful to have a planning consultant on your side.