Employment question:

I work for a small firm and salaries are constantly late, we never knwo when we will be paid. We are meant to be paid on the first of every month but now it is usually three weeks late or in little instalments we are never notified in the beginning we were understanding of the position but now we feel we are being taken advantage of, what are our rights and how should we go about it? it must stop as some of us are in debt because of the position.

posted in Employment | 1 response

Flag as objectionable


Kavita Bachada

Kavita Bachada's response

An employee has the basic right to be paid for work carried out.

It would be advisable for you all to put in a written grievance which sets out the dates that you should have been paid, were paid and the effects of late payment.

Where this is a one off, an employee is expected to put up with it. However, case law has established that frequent late payment can amount to constructive dismissal.

I am not advising you to resign but this is an option. Please call if you want to discuss in more detail as there are several requirements to establish in such cases. 0161 474 7111