Employment question:

I work for an employer in England, in private service. Everything fine til the last 6 months. Now my employer seems determined to get rid of me. He is trying to find fault in virtually everything I do. In 22 years of work I have never had a warning or disciplinary, but he has given me 3 in as many months (none of which I accept), and says he will dismiss me if I do not improve. There is no Disciplinary or Grievance procedure in my contract. He is not interested in anything I had to say. Even in my area of expertise, he thinks he knows better than me. It appears that I am the latest in a long line of his employees to be subjected to this “bullying”. Even in the relative few years I have been here, there has been a high turnover of staff, with similar experiences I am experiencing now. He is in sole charge, there no one else I can turn to. Can ill afford to lose this job. Looking but not a lot around.

posted in Employment | 1 response

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Kavita Bachada

Kavita Bachada's response

What do you mean by private service as some occupations are exempt from certan protection afforded by employment legislation.

You say that there is no grievance procedure. However, it would be advisable to put your complaints in writing so that you have them in the event of the matter proceeding to Tribunal or if you are dismissed. You should also state in writing that you do not accept the warnings and state the reasons for it.

Your question is quite vague but yet you do say quite a lot which is not specific. Pls call me if you want to discuss it 07515 485 803.